Functional fitness for women


Date(s) / Période :


Horaire(s) :

Jour(s) Horaire(s)
Sunday 09:30 - 10:30

Organisateur :

Effect Sàrl


Lieu :

Effect Sàrl
3 rue de Capellen
L-8393 OLM

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A workout focusing on movements or patterns of movements that prepare the body for daily activities.

The workout will be composed of

  • Warm Up - emphasis on gently moving the joints starting from the neck to the ankles followed by some dynamic stretching.
  • Work Out - 3 sets of 3 exercises focusing on strength, cardio and core. The workout will be a full body workout using compound exercises using different joints and muscle groups.  For example one set may be sumo squat with bicep curls;  fast feet and spider plank
  • Cool Down - short period of static stretch for the psoas, hip flexors, hamstrings as well as for the other specific muscles used in the workout.

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